Dr Gurdeep S Grewal
PSMB Train-The-Trainer Certificate no: TTT/6524

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Dr Gurdeep is a practicing medical doctor and Psychiatrist. He has more than nine years of experience working in the area of psychological health and has worked in major mental health facilities around the country.

He is passionate about the promotion of psychological wellbeing and prevention of mental illnesses and has conducted courses for various organizations, including within the civil service and for NGO’s locally as well as overseas. Working at the individual and organizational level, he focuses on identifying stress and coming up with solutions for preventing, minimizing and coping with stress and other psychological problems. Your organization can benefit from his expertise in the area of psychological health and wellness by creating a culture of ‘healthy body and mind’ within your organization.

His executive coaching activities include finding meaningfulness at the individual and organizational levels to increase personal satisfaction and thereby aid in increased productivity. He is a professional psychological health expert who works to understand what makes us tick, what causes us to fail or helps us to succeed.